April 29, 2024 18:28


FMIPA - Universitas Lampung

Assessment Undergraduate in Physics Program

Assessment Principles

The learning process in the Physics Undergraduate Program is carried out in accordance with the Learning Outcomes Program that has been prepared. One indicator of the success of a learning process can be assessed from the learning outcomes obtained. Therefore, in the learning process, it is necessary to evaluate learning as a means to assess whether a learning process is running according to the targets that have been prepared or not.

Each course must be in accordance with the PLO target, so the type of evaluation must meet the standards of each PLO or PLO assessment control. each assessment must be evaluated in the form of a lecture report as evaluated for improvement in the coming year. This picture is an assessment scheme for courses in the physics study program.


                       Picture Assesment Scheme for achievement PLO dan Qualification alumni profile

The form of learning evaluation carried out in the Physics Undergraduate Program is by conducting an assessment of the process and student learning outcomes, this assessment refers to the regulation of the Chancellor of the University of Lampung concerning Academic Regulation Number 19 of 2020 in Article 17 and Article 23-31 which includes the Principles of Assessment, Techniques and Assessment Instruments, Assessment Mechanisms and Procedures, Assessment Implementation, Assessment Reports and Student Graduation.

 The principle of assessment includes several principles, the first is the educative principle, which means an assessment that can motivate students to be able to improve planning and learning methods and achieve Graduate Learning Outcomes. Second, the authentic principle means an assessment that is oriented towards a continuous learning process and learning outcomes that reflect student abilities during the learning process. Third, the objective principle means that an assessment is based on a standard agreed between lecturers and students and is free from the influence of the subjectivity of the assessment and what is being assessed. Fourth, the principle of accountability, which means that the assessment is carried out in accordance with clear procedures and criteria, agreed at the beginning of the lecture, and understood by students. Fifth, the Transparent Principle means an assessment whose procedures and assessment results are accessible to all stakeholders.

Assessment techniques and instruments

Assessment techniques and instruments are divided into two parts. The first part is the assessment technique, the assessment technique consists of observation, participation, performance, written test, oral test and questionnaire. Meanwhile, the assessment instrument consists of a process assessment in the form of a rubric and/or an assessment of results in the form of a portfolio. Then, in assessing attitudes, observational assessment techniques can be used, and for the assessment of mastery of knowledge, general and specific skills, it is done by choosing one or a combination of various assessment techniques and instruments. the final result of the assessment is an integration between various assessment techniques and instruments used.

The assessment mechanism is made in various ways starting from compiling, conveying, agreeing on the stages, techniques, instruments, and assessment weights between the assessors and those who are assessed according to the lesson plan. Then proceed with carrying out the assessment process according to the stages, techniques, instruments, and assessment weights. Provide feedback and opportunities to question the results of the assessment to students and document the assessment process and student learning outcomes in an accountable and transparent manner. The assessment procedure includes the planning stage, activities for giving assignments or questions, observing performance, returning the results of the assessment and giving the final score.

Course Assessment Undergraduate Program in Physics

 The implementation of the assessment, this section is carried out by: (1) Lecturers or a team of

lecturers, (2) Lecturers or a team of lecturers by involving relevant stakeholders. Assessment of the learning process and results can be done in the form of Quiz, Structured Assignments, Practical Exams, Team Based Project, Mid-Semester Exams (UTS), Final Semester Exams (UAS) and Classroom Observation. The implementation of structured assignments is carried out on various forms of assignments outside of class hours. Observations in class can be made on the ability of students to express questions and opinions and answer questions. Quiz, Mid-Semester Exams (UTS), and Final Semester Exams (UAS) are carried out in writing. For Team Based Project usually be done by presentation project result by team of students.

 Requirements to take the Final Semester Examination include:

  1. a. participating in face-to-face activities at least 80% of the minimum number of lecturers’ attendance (16 weeks) (*);
  2. participating in structured academic activities as much as 100%; and/or c. following the practical material as much as 100%.

  (*) During the Covid-19 Pandemic, point (a) is changed into virtual classes using Zoom meeting or Google Meet meeting. Moreover, University of Lampung provides lecturers and students a platform for online learning process in Virtual Class University of Lampung. In that platform lecturers can put the study material, assignments, quiz, exams, and other, while the students can download the study materials, test, and other material on Virtual Class (https://vclass.unila.ac.id/)

Follow-up exams (remedial) are only allowed for students who have the right reasons after obtaining approval from the person in charge of the course and can only be done in the current semester. The course exam files and various structured assignments that have been graded and used as assessment materials will be returned to students and all stages of learning assessment will be announced to students for verification. If there is an error by the lecturer in giving a grade, then the student can submit a correction to the grade to the lecturer in charge of the course by bringing evidence in the form of exam files and structured assignments.

To support the University of Lampung’s Main Work Indicators (called as IKU: Indikator Kinerja Utama), collaborative and participatory classes are needed in the administration of lectures. For this reason, the criteria for the learning method used are as follows:

  1. Case Methoda. students act as “protagonists” trying to solve a case;
  2. students conduct case analysis to build solution recommendations, assisted by group

discussions to test and develop solution designs; and

  1. c. The class discussed actively, with the majority of the conversations being conducted

by students. Lecturers only facilitate by directing the discussion, asking question, and observing.

  1. Team Based Project
  2. a. the class is divided into groups (>1 student) to work on assignments together over a period of time;
  3. b. groups are given original problems or complex questions, then given space to create work plans and collaboration models;
  4. c. each group prepares a presentation/final work that is presented to the lecturer, class, or other audience who can provide constructive feedbac

The assessment criteria used are 50% of the weight of the final score must be based on the quality of class discussion participation (case method) and/or the final presentation of project-based learning. The following is an example of the composition of determining Final Grades for Courses using the Team Based Project method.

Table Assessment Elements using for IKU

No.Assessment ElementsPercentage
1.Participation class10%
2.Team Based Project40%
3.Structured Assignment10%
5.Mid-semester test (UTS)10%
6.Final-semester test (UAS)20%

Next, the determination the quality marks is based on the following guidelines on Table

Table Guidelines for quality marks

Final Score


Quality Letters/GradeQuality NumberStatus Rating

Study Program Diploma/Bachelor/Applied Bachelor/Professional

Score ≥  76




71 ≤ score < 76




66 ≤ score < 71




61 ≤ score < 66




56 ≤ score < 61




50 ≤ score < 56




score < 50



not pass


** C+ is declared conditional pass if the course is taken on Semester Antara. Semester Antara is semester that only lasts for 2 months where the number of meetings in one week is twice that of a regular semester. Semester Antara is usually held in early July and ends at the end of August in the same year.

*** D is declared conditional pass is the course is taken on Regular Semester.

To measure the achievement of PLO, each course has a Course Learning Outcome (CLO) which must be included in the Module Handbook and Semester Learning Plan (RPS). Each CLO defined must support at least one PLO. Thus, all courses taught can be ensured to support at least one PLO. The relationship between each course and PLO can be seen in the Table A.1.4 for Undergraduate Program in Mathematics and B.1.7 for Undergraduate Program in Physics.

To ensure that each graduated student has fulfilled all the PLOs set, the following steps are taken:

  1. Exam questions in Mid-semester test or Final Semester test or assignments are given using Case Study or Team Based Project learning methods refer to PLO Control Assessment to support PLO
  1. An assessment is carried out by each lecturer to measure the achievement of PLO Control Assessment related to PLO
  2. The results of the assessments carried out by each lecturer are presented in the PLO

achievement measurement meeting in their respective peer groups.

  1. An Internal Quality Audit was held by the University of Lampung LPPM, namely an audit

conducted to determine the level of conformity of the implementation of activities to the organization’s own internal standards (Internal quality standards*), Regulations, Procedures, Work Instructions, in order to improve the quality of the institution and reduce the risk of not achieving standards / decrease in quality, including reducing the risk of not achieving PLO.

Field Work Assessment

In an effort to achieve learning outcomes, students are required to participate in off-campus learning activities (namely practical work/fieldwork lectures (PKL), to have the skills required by industry, government and private institutions, and the general public.  Practical work/fieldwork carried out for two months at an external institution that has a focus to support learning achievement. Students are given the freedom to find and choose institutions according to their interests by submitting proposals. At the institution, assignments are given according to the direction of the field supervisor. Students are required to make work reports that are evaluated by supervisors from related institutions and from teaching staff. The final evaluation of students is written in the minutes of the exam and the PKL assessment form to be submitted to the PKL team of the study program. Assessments given by supervisors from teaching staff include:

  1. Systematics of scientific writing;
  2. Authenticity and scientific truth;
  3. Writing language.

The assessments given by the field supervisor include:

  1. Discipline;
  2. Cooperation;
  3. Work performance;
  4. Report writing.

KKN/ Student Community Service

Other learning activities outside the university are student community service (real work lectures/KKN). Student community service (KKN) is organized through the BPKKN at the university level. Information about KKN can be accessed through website: https://kkn.University of Lampung.ac.id/.

KKN is directed to ensure the linkage between the theoretical-academic world and the empirical- practical world so that there will be a synergistic interaction between students and the community. KKN is carried out for 40 days. The assessment is carried out by Field Supervisors and KKN debriefing which can be accessed at   https://learningkkn.University of Lampung.ac.id/login/.

MBKM Program

The MBKM curriculum applied to the Undergraduate Program in Mathematics  dan Undergraduate Program in Physics of FMIPA University of Lampung allows students to earn maximum 40 credits (equivalent to 2 semesters) outside the university and maximum 20 credits (equivalent to 1 semester) outside the study program. The MBKM program includes:

  1. Internship in industry,
  2. Research,
  3. Independent project,
  4. Student exchange
  5. Teaching assistance in education units
  6. Entrepreneurship
  7. Building a village
  8. Humanitarian project

This type of learning is not mandatory like PKL and KKN. Students can register for the program via website : https://mbkm.University of Lampung.ac.id/ . Student who participates in this program must consult with the Academic Advisor and Study Program/Department in determining the MBKM program to be followed and fill out the Learning Agreement Form in accordance with the MBKM program.

Final Project/Bachelor’s Thesis

Final year students are required to write a Thesis by conducting research in accordance with their field. Each student will be guided by two supervisors and one examiner. Thesis exam is conducted orally.

Assessment of the final project includes:

  1. a) Mastery of materials / methods 30%,
  2. b) Scientific attitude and argumentation 10%,
  3. c) Presentation and linguistic techniques 10%,
  4. d) Originality 20%,
  5. e) Relevance and Cohesiveness 15%,
  6. f) Writing 15%.

To avoid academic cheating, University of Lampung has provided a regulation which in a form of the Rector’s Regulation of the University of Lampung regarding Academic Regulation No. 19 of

2020 in section 20 article 39 regulates academic sanctions and procedures for imposing sanctions Academic fraud in question includes cheating, collusion, data falsification, and plagiarism. The academic sanctions listed are taken into account in the calculation of the study period. The accused student has the right to defend himself in an examination trial. The procedure for giving academic sanctions is regulated in Section 27 Article 41.